Vision and Mission


To make an appearance as an excellent academic institution in bringing out a change by disseminating knowledge and providing students a distinctive learning experience in the stream of Science, Arts, Commerce, and B. Ed. taking under consideration the sight of Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna and imparting students an aura for all-round development, nurture them for a successful career as well as to help them play a part towards the betterment of the society.


• To revolutionize attitudes, values, and priorities to reinvigorate learners, and inculcate positive energy to confront life's obstacles.
• To empower learners by imparting pre-eminent education supplemented with leadership and professional expertise.
• To impart “Education for living and livelihood” as well as “Education for life”, by engaging towards the Involvement of human and moral utility.
•Moulding students for competent learning, reasonable approach, and facilitating entrepreneurship through industry-institute interaction.

Our Goal

  • Reach: Recruit and retain a diverse group of students from pre-school to university & postgraduate level.
  • Values: Continuously evaluate and increase the quality and relevance of academic content and performance standards in the core subjects for preschool through 12, and university education. Enhance the quality of student life by providing professional development opportunities and promoting a sense of community among students.
  • Achievement: Ensure that all students are performing at a standard level or higher. Ensure that the assignments are done correctly in the first instance.
  • Evaluation: Ensure that all students receive the same standards-based evaluation, grades 1 through 12, and university education, also ensure that a small number of exceptional needs for students must be addressed using appropriate alternative means to determine achievement and progress for all.