For an organization, strategic planning is very essential to accomplish the Vision and Mission, which it dreams of. Strategic planning is a continuous process with a specific focus on accomplishing institutional goals in this competitive world. Strategic Planning and deployment document (SPDD) is based on an analysis of current obstacles and future opportunities and envisages the direction in which the organization should move to achieve its set goals and objectives.
The first part addresses the vision, and mission which the institute dreams along with core values, and institutional long-term & short-term goals. These are defined and guided by the stakeholders (College administration, leadership, HODs, faculty, staff, industry, students, alumni, and parents) through SWOC analysis. After analyzing the internal and external environment, the institutional goals were set up in all possible growth domains through the continuous thought process and discussion with HODs and faculty members. The strategies with action plans were decided to achieve institutional strategic goals.
While formulating the strategic plan and deployment document, care has been taken to involve all stakeholders to help contribute their part which is vital for the success of every organization. An effort has been taken to identify the While formulating the strategic plan and deployment document, care has been taken to implementation processes and monitoring by identifying measurable targets in line with the desired outcomes. This will emerge to be the guiding force for HNB GOVT. P.G. COLLEGE to achieve its goal to become an institution of Academic Excellence and provide professional skilled young citizens to society.