Yoga Courses

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root 'yuj', which means ‘onenesses or 'unite'. This union of individual consciousness with collective consciousness is known as yoga. The sadhna path by which the seeker does his sadhna is known by the same name. The path of attaining God through devotion is called Bhakti Yoga, the effort to attain God by making work a medium is called Karma Yoga. By making knowledge the medium, when the seeker moves forward to attain his favorite God, then it is called Gyan Yoga. Moving forward in the path of Sadhana through meditation is called Dhyana Yoga, similarly, the path by which we move forward in the path of Sadhana, that Sadhana is known by the name of that path. Yoga is the art of living, every step of daily life is yoga. Yoga not only affects the body but is also a means to establish balance and harmony in the mind and emotions. It affects all aspects of our personality, physical, mental, emotional, vital and spiritual. Yoga gives a holistic personality. Yoga first affects the gross body, equanimity is achieved through the various practices of Yoga such as Shatkarma, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, etc.  Yoga balances the body and harmonizes the activities of the organs, muscles, and nerves, affecting the functionality of all the glands of the nervous system and endocrine systems.


Talking about Yoga Courses in the college here, PG Diploma in Yoga and MA Yoga courses have been included. PG Diploma Yoga is a 1-year course and MA Yoga is a two-year course. In these courses, training is also given in alternative therapy along with Yoga therapy. Teaching of Ayurveda, Magnet therapy, Pranic therapy, Laughing therapy, Acupressure therapy, Naturopathy training is done.



  • To enable the student to have good physical health.
  • To practice mental hygiene.
  • To possess emotional and spiritual stability.
  • To integrate moral values.
  • To attain higher level of consciousness.
  • To bring certain amount of self discipline
  • To develop techniques and approaches based on the Ancient Yoga Texts and Granthas of Yoga to meet the challenges of the modern era.
  • Maintaining and promoting the different Indian Yoga traditions.


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