To ensure the involvement of students in decision making in limited policy matters regarding the quality improvement of academics and developing infrastructure facilities in college, student union is formed annually after the completion of admission process. The leaders of student union are elected on the direct election basis. Each student of the college who possesses an Identity Card issued by the college proctorial board; is the part of electorate and eligible to cast his/her vote. Elections are conducted as per the recommendations made by Lingdoh Committee  and Student Union Manual framed by Kumaun University.


Welcome to the HNB Government PG College Khatima Student Union! We are an organization comprised of dedicated students who work towards representing the interests and welfare of the student body at HNB Government PG College, located in Khatima, Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand). Our student union serves as a platform for students to voice their opinions, raise concerns, and work together to create a positive and inclusive academic environment on campus.

Our student union is committed to promoting academic excellence, fostering a sense of community and inclusivity, and advocating for the rights and well-being of all students. We aim to organize various events, activities, and programs that enrich the overall educational experience of our students, including cultural programs, sports competitions, seminars, workshops, and social initiatives. As a student union, we also work closely with the college administration, faculty, and other stakeholders to address student concerns, facilitate communication, and ensure that the student's voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes. We strive to create a vibrant and engaging campus life for all students and encourage active participation from the student body in shaping their college experience.

We believe in the power of unity and collaboration, and we welcome all students to join us in our efforts to make a positive impact on the academic and social environment at HNB Government PG College Khatima. Together, we can work towards creating a better college experience for everyone and making our institution a thriving hub of learning and growth.

Student Union Election 2023
Sanvidhan Union Election Notice
2.  NOTICE on 19 DECEMBER 22